Poultry birds. How to distinguish a wavy parrot boy from a girl?
- How to distinguish a boy from a girl in wavy parrots?
- How to distinguish a boy from a girl in lovebirds parrots?
- Determine the sex of the parrot on the character
- Determination of sex by wax
- External differences
- Behavioral features
- Bird age
- Talk or not?
- Brief conclusions
- Определение пола волнистых попугаев по восковице
- Метод генетического определения
- Другие способы определения пола волнистых попугаев
The question of how to distinguish a parrot-boy from a girl can be a difficult task, since many species do not have clearly pronounced external signs marking one or another gender, and if there are any differences distinguished by experienced breeders, they are difficult to identify. not having to compare birds of both sexes. But let's consider all the same, by what signs it is possible to determine the sex in parrots of the two most popular species for home keeping.
How to distinguish a boy from a girl in wavy parrots?
The easiest way to solve this issue is the owners of wavy parrots, as it is one of the few species in which the floor can be determined by an external examination of the characteristic signs. The solution to the problem of how to distinguish a male parrot from a female lies, in this case, in the color of a waxberry - a special growth at the base of the beak. In the male at puberty, this mandible has a bright blue color. Sometimes, in some species of budgerigar (lyutino, albino, leuwing, dark-eyed net, steam, recessive motley), the color can change to deep pink with blue spots. Females wavy parrot cemetery usually grayish brown or bright brown.
With age, the intensity of the coloration of the waxberry in budgerigars may vary. So, in young individuals, the sex is more difficult to determine, since males may have a light, slightly bluish cinnamon; in females, it also has not yet acquired a rich color. The most intensely painted are the mandibles in birds that are fully matured and ready to breed. Over time, the cropper fades again.
How to distinguish a boy from a girl in lovebirds parrots?
This is exactly the case when it is simply impossible to recognize where the male is and where the female is, at first glance, impossible. However, the question of how to distinguish the sex of a parrot can be solved by comparing the appearance of individuals from a couple, because loveless people are most often sold in pairs. So, external sign the difference of the field is the shape of the head: if you look at the side, then it is more elongated in the male, the forehead is slightly lower; the female has a more round head.
Another sign by which the sex can be distinguished is bird landing on a perch in a cage. An adult and sexually mature female, even if she has not yet hatched chicks, sits on a perch, with her legs wide apart, while the male keeps them close to each other.
Finally, the latter method will require a thorough examination of each bird, but this is the most accurate method for determining the sex of lovebirds. It is necessary to carefully feel the belly of each bird. In the pelvic region there are two bones, similar in shape to matchstick heads. In the male lovebird, the distance between them does not exceed 0.5 mm, whereas in the female it can reach 1 cm, because it is through these bones that the female lays eggs.
Determining the sex of a wavy parrot
Ceres Mature Birds
How to determine the sex of the budgerigar? Many beginners ask this question. With the definition of sex lovers wavy parrots lucky. Unlike most other species of parrots, our pets have a pronounced sexual dimorphism - the color of wax. Therefore, the determination of the sex of an adult bird usually does not cause difficulties.
Males have a bright blue cinnamon, and in mutations (recessive motley, steam, lyutino, albino, layswing, dark-eyed pure) - rich pink, sometimes with blue areas. Adult males of dominant variegated two-factor color may have a ceramum color formed by mixing blue and deep pink colors.
The intensity of the wax color of adult males may vary with age.
Mature females have a beige, brown or sometimes light blue ceramum. During life, the color of the wax of females can change depending on the hormonal level. Thus, a female who has reached sexual maturity often has a brown cep, but by the end of the nesting period the color can change from brown to beige.
In addition to discoloration, the female locustus often becomes uneven, bumpy, rough in appearance, and sometimes it is covered with a thick, protruding keratin growth that may disappear during nesting.
It is necessary to take into account that in some diseases the color of the wax bird of an adult bird can change significantly, acquiring dark necrotic colors.
Difficult cases of sex determination are considered individually and require complex study, preferably with the involvement of specialists.
Ceres nestlings
At the age of 5–10 weeks, budgies are most tame and better adapted to new conditions. As a rule, lovers tend to acquire such birds. But at this age in color range Cornmeal significant changes occur, making it difficult to determine sex.
Usually at three weeks old chicks (sometimes even earlier) the breeder starts making assumptions about the sex of the parrots. Until this age, the wax color of males and females is very similar and has a color from very light pink (often with a bluish or whitish shade) to a dark lilac (sometimes very dark lilac, it seems that the wax is almost brown). But as females grow older, white lightening starts to appear around the nostrils. This is the main feature by which you can visually distinguish a young female from a male of the same age.
Further color changes that occur under the action of hormones and are associated with puberty, give by 2–2.5 months a visually adult bird with a slightly faded color of the cinnamon in males and light beige (sometimes with remnants of light blue) in the females. The final color of the wax is acquired at the end of the juvenile molt.
A few words about opalines. The parrots of this color have a peculiarity: young female females, have a lilac color of a waxe, a little longer than wavy females with a normal pattern.
Genetic method
In some cases, the sex of chicks can be determined at the stage of the beginning of the plumage and even immediately immediately after hatching - by the presence of certain features in the phenotype of the chicks. Sex determination in these cases is based on the laws of genetics. This method is applicable due to the fact that in some mutations the gene is sex-linked and is located on the X chromosome. For the external manifestation of such mutations in males, a double set of such chromosomes is needed, in females, a single set. Floor-linked mutations include: opaline, cinnamon, eno (lyutino, albino, and laving), sulphidous, celandine, sex-linked (Texas). Each mutation has its own differences that are transmitted only on the X chromosome. In opalines, this is a characteristic V-aseous zone, in alien red eyes and albinism, in slate-like ones there is a gray-blue body color, and in celandine ones an unpainted body.
The reverse process is also interesting, when the appearance of such chicks often helps to determine the genetics of parent birds.
A few examples:
- in a normal male and female, the opaline chick is a female, and the male father is the carrier of the opaline gene.
- in opaline and normal females, opaline chicks are all females, and normal chicks are all males and carriers of opaline.
- in a normal male and female, the cinnamon chick is female, and the male father is the carrier of the cinnamon gene.
- in a cinnamon male and normal female, cinnamon chicks are all females, and normal chicks are all males and carriers of cinnamon.
- In a normal male and female, a chick with red eyes is a sign of the presence of a foreign gene, which means that the color of the bird is either lutino or albino, but in any case it is necessarily female. The male father is the carrier of the foreign gene.
- In the male of a normal and normal female, the chicks with red eyes are all females, and the normal chicks are all males and carriers of the foreign gene.
Alternative methods
Of the exact methods for determining sex, DNA analysis should be mentioned. It consists in the fact that in a specialized laboratory a parrot or a cloacal swab (hormonal secretions) is taken for analysis to establish sex chromosomes in the cell nucleus. The cost of analysis, as a rule, exceeds the cost of an ordinary wavy parrot. Used rarely.
Sexual intercourse or its imitation can help determine sex. When two adult birds mate, the female is always down. Imitate sexual intercourse, as a rule, males. Usually they choose an object for this, but cases when females behave in the same way are not so rare. Putting a foot on a partner is a sign of a male, but young females can also be entertained in this way. However, the probability of a correct determination of sex by the sexual behavior of adult wavy parrots is quite high, the accuracy increases with the age of the bird. Before the first molt, it is taken into account as an additional feature.
Very inaccurate, but lately increasingly used, the method of determining the sex according to the shape of the head of a parrot. Usually they pay attention to the fact that the female has a slightly flattened back, the forehead is slightly pointed, and for the male the top of the head is larger and looks somewhat flat.
Sometimes a parrot's sex helps suggest his predisposition to bites. Females bite holding their hand very strongly, with frenzy, even to the blood. Males are calmer, their bites are more “demonstrative” in nature.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the most accurate way to determine sex: if your parrot is laying eggs, this is undoubtedly a female. And remember, the team of the “Wavy City” always, with great pleasure, will help you determine the sex of your pet at an earlier stage of its development so that such a cardinal confirmation of the floor does not turn out to be unexpected for you.
Worked on the article: Sophia aka aunt Sonya, Vadim aka Vadim, Oksana aka oxy,
Yuri aka komar, Eugene aka jinbiryukov and Maria aka DNA
The question of belonging to one or another sex is of great interest among owners of wavy parrots. When choosing a pet bird from a pet store, many future breeders prefer a boy.
There is a strong opinion that males have the best ability to imitate sounds and are easier to teach them to speak. Is it really, we will not go into details, but how to distinguish between a boy and a girl's parrot, we will understand.
Determine the sex of the parrot on the character
The sex of the budgerigars can be determined most accurately only after 4-5 months. Prior to this, the wax still remains of a pale blue or milky-pink color. The only way to distinguish a boy from a girl is to look at the nature of the bird and its abilities.
Budgie - the boy has a more active character, they are more curious and often shkodyat. In addition, they love to show their vocal abilities - boys are lovers to perform in public, to sing a song. They start talking too early, of course, with regular classes. Their voices are more sonorous and shrill.
Another distinctive ability of males - they love to show off in front of a mirror. Of course, the peculiarities of their intellect do not allow them to perceive themselves in the mirror as their reflection. What they see is a completely different bird. Males love to present themselves in all their glory, showing their superiority.
In society, wavy boys can quite get along with other males, between them there is no competition for territory. However, they can compete for a girl if she appears on the horizon.
The nature of the girl wavy parrot more calm. They tend to observe everything that happens and quietly absorb everything.
If you decide to teach a girl to talk, then it is quite possible that you will achieve results, but they say and chirp they are much quieter than boys, besides, the ability to imitate their voice is a little worse.
To their reflection in the mirror, they are completely indifferent. But in the society of other females they can show aggression. They can be compared with two hostesses of the same house, when each sees life differently.
Two same-sex neighbors, as a rule, will quarrel, fight, and also mess with each other - eat from someone else's trough, throw out branches from the cage and do other minor dirty tricks.
Knowing these features, it is possible to distinguish a boy from a girl at an early age.
Determination of sex by wax
Having matured, the wavy change the color of the upper part of the beak, therefore it is not difficult to recognize the sex of the bird. In females, at 4-5 months old, it is light blue with white circles around the nostrils, brown or smooth. pink color . The parrot-boy, as a rule, has a bright blue mandible, so it is difficult to make a mistake with the floor of the pet.
However, the owners of wavy should know another important nuance. The method of determining gender by wax is one big minus. White parrots often have a nadklyuve different color. For example, a boy may have a white beak, and, looking at him, you will not be able to distinguish exactly where the male is, and where the female is.
It is not difficult to determine the sex of adult birds, but usually we buy chicks from a breeder. They are easier to get used to their hands and quickly adapt to changing conditions. But to guess the floor of babies under three months is quite problematic. How to distinguish from girls? This will be discussed today.
External differences
Of course, first of all it is necessary to focus on the appearance of the chick you liked. Please note that until he is three weeks old, sexual differences have not yet manifested. From this age on, a specialist can distinguish between males and females on closer inspection. At the age of a parrot from three weeks to three months, the sex can be determined by the uniform color of the upper part of the beak. A feature of females is the presence of white circles around the nostrils. In males, they are absent, and the color is uniform.
Only in the fourth month of life does the most reliable indication : coloring of the wax on the beak. It has different colors in both sexes. At a young age, the males are pink with a blue tint, and when they reach four months, they turn bright blue. The female has a white crock, with a cream, pink, gray or bluish tinge. With age, it becomes beige or brown. Now you know how to distinguish a wavy parrot boy from a girl. Experienced breeders, the help of which is the easiest to resort to, in the matter of determining the sex of the birds pay attention to the shape of the head. In females, it is slightly pointed; in males, on the contrary, the crown is wide.
Behavioral features
Once at home, you can observe the nature and behavior of your bird, this is another way to distinguish a boy wavy parrot from a girl. Do not forget about the features of the adaptation period, which the parrot can spend in the far corner of the cage, carefully watching what is happening around. Having mastered your home, the bird will begin to show some of its characteristic features.
So, females are more calm and homely. They will be happy to do the cleaning in the cage, and especially in the established nest. Anything that, in their opinion, is redundant, will be thrown out of the cell. Males are more sociable and active, they are the greatest lovers of jumping, tweeting, singing along to the included music, shouting over the hosts when they talk, in general, to draw attention to their person. They are more capable of onomatopoeia, although females can learn a few words.
It happens that the pet must be caught when he does not crave communication at all. At such a moment, females bite hard enough, it happens to the blood. The attack of the male is often more demonstrative, and the bites themselves are virtually painless. By these features it will be possible to understand who your wavy parrot is: a boy or a girl.
Bird age
The younger your pet is, the easier it will be to adapt and the more trusting your relationship will be. In addition, the smaller the parrot was among its fellows, the greater the chance that it will begin to imitate a person’s speech, and therefore speak. Not always sellers will give you reliable information about age, most likely, wanting to sell, they will call all birds young. Pay attention to the eyes: the young parrot they are black, and with age around the white rings appear. The most popular age for sale is 2-3 months, at this time the wavy black pattern on the back is very distinct, it is almost indistinguishable in mature birds.
If you dream of a talking bird, then choose a breeder who has young wavy parrots for sale. Boy or girl - everyone decides who to choose, but it is better to buy a male, and if in the future you decide to breed, take a pair.
Talk or not?
If your bird is 1.5-2 months old, start regular classes. To do this, every day (about 15 minutes) slander phrases that she should remember. It is important that they are emotionally colored, highlight phrases with intonation, the parrot remembers these very cries best of all. After all, he often reproduces precisely admiration or swearing, so watch your speech.
Brief conclusions
Thought about how to distinguish a budgerigar boy from a girl? You can resort to the following methods:
- Consider the color of the wax on the beak: blue shades are characteristic for males, gray, beige and brown for females.
- Понаблюдать за поведением: самки обычно более спокойные и хозяйственные.
А будет ли птица говорить? Возможностей для этого больше у молодого самца при условии вашего регулярного общения и занятий с ним.
Приобретая попугайчика, некоторые покупатели даже не задумываются о том, какой половой принадлежности птичка, главное для них – чтобы была здоровая и активная. Такие люди не намерены разводить потомства волнистых попугаев, поэтому и не заботятся данной проблемой. Другие же выбирают домашнего любимца более основательно. Во-первых, самцов попугаев проще научить говорить, а во-вторых, два мальчика в клетке спокойно уживутся вместе, в то время как самки неуживчивые, и могут постоянно устраивать драки между собой. Отсюда выходит, что вопрос определения пола волнистого попугая актуален в таких случаях:
- когда нужно подобрать пару птиц для разведения;
- если нужно научить попугая говорить.
Принято полагать, что половую принадлежность можно определить по оттенку оперения. Бесспорно, самцы попугаев имеют более яркое оперение и громкий голос, эти качества необходимы в целях привлечения внимания самок. У разных пород попугаев половые признаки разнятся между собой, вот например, чтобы точно узнать пол волнистого попугая, достаточно посмотреть на цвет его восковицы, то есть участка кожи над клювом. Намного проще определить это у взрослой птицы.
Определение пола волнистых попугаев по восковице

При достижении месячного возраста птенцы уже самостоятельно выходят из гнезда. Они сформированы, оперение присутствует полностью. От взрослых особей птенчики отличаются волнообразными узорами от восковицы. Также у них абсолютно черные глаза и темное пятнышко на клюве, которое исчезает спустя пару недель. В этот период, как правило, заводчики пытаются сделать свои предположения о половой принадлежности. Сделать это затруднительно, поскольку у самок и самцов окрас восковицы похож между собой, имеет светло-розовый или темно-лиловый оттенок. К тому же, в течение дня у птенцов цвет этого участка кожи может меняться, например, в зависимости от настроения.
В возрасте 2-2,5 месяца попугайчики уже поддаются приручению и начинают адаптироваться к условиям обитания. Зачастую люди стараются приобретать птиц именно в этом возрасте, поскольку заметные видоизменения во внешности уже позволяют заметить половые отличия. Дело в том, что по мере взросления у молодых самок появляются белые ореолы вокруг ноздрей, в то время как у самцов нет этой отличительной черты.
После достижения трехмесячного возраста птенцы впервые линяют. Волнистые перышки на голове исчезают, и начинает образовываться более плотное и яркое оперение. Как раз с этого момента для волнистых попугайчиков начинается период полового созревания, параллельно меняется цвет восковицы. У самцов он становится ярко-синим, а у самок – бежевым или светло-коричневым (может остаться неизменным светло-голубым).
Чем взрослее становится птица, тем интенсивнее оттенок ее восковицы. Это происходит по причине гормональных изменений в организме. Так, взрослая самка волнистого попугая имеет восковицу коричневого цвета. Кроме этих происходят и другие изменения. Например, у самок этот кусочек кожи над клювом часто бывает бугристым и шершавым на ощупь, иногда даже с небольшим наростом, который самостоятельно исчезает после периода гнездования.
При определении пола попугая нужно учитывать, что во время болезни может значительно измениться цвет восковицы взрослой птицы, во многих случаях он становится темно-красным. Все намного проще у попугаев лютино и альбино. Восковицы самцов так и остаются ярко-розовыми, а у самок оттенок меняется, как и у остальных птиц этого вида. Очень редко, и ближе к старости восковица самца альбиноса покрывается синими пятнами.
Если птица не в настроении, то может видоизменяться и оттенок этого показателя. Например, когда самка очень взволнована, то ее восковица по цвету становится похожей как у самца. У особей мужского пола при волнении или недомогании надклювный участок тоже может меняться и быть похожим на восковицу самки.
Метод генетического определения

Иногда птенцов волнистых попугайчиков можно разделить по половой принадлежности сразу же после того, как они вылупились из яиц. Сделать это можно по фенотипу молодняка, то есть, изучив совокупность биологических свойств и признаков организма птицы. При определении половой принадлежности попугаев этот способ эффективен, поскольку у самок и самцов волнистых попугайчиков различается количество хромосом. Самцы вылупливаются с двойным набором, а самки – с одинарным. Генетический метод также позволяет определить генетику родителей птенца. Например, узнать, чей окрас перьев унаследовал птенец.
Другие способы определения пола волнистых попугаев
Есть дополнительные способы определения пола:
Понаблюдайте за своим попугаем или парой, и вы заметите разницу. Самочки издают более короткие и негромкие звуки. Попав в новую клетку или другую обстановку, самка пытается навести свой порядок. Она сбрасывает лишние предметы на дно клетки, передвигает кормушку и так далее. Обычно самочек труднее научить говорить, они также не склонны повторять различные звуки. Всему этому намного легче обучаются самцы волнистых попугаев.
Вышеперечисленные способы самостоятельной диагностики достоверны и точны. Они помогут вам точно узнать пол вашего пернатого любимца на самом раннем этапе его развития, чтобы конечный результат исследования не оказался для вас неожиданным.
... axberry의 색입니다. 사춘기 남성의 경우,이 하악은 밝은 청색을 띤다. 때로는 budgerigar (lyutino, albino, leuwing, dark-eyed net, ...... axberry의 색입니다. 사춘기 남성의 경우,이 하악은 밝은 청색을 띤다. 때로는 budgerigar (lyutino, albino, leuwing, dark-eyed net, steam, recessive motley)의 일부 종에서 색이 푸른 반점이있는 깊은 분홍색으로 바뀔 수 있습니다. 암컷 물결 모양의 앵무새 묘지는 보통 회갈색 또는 밝은 갈색이다. 나이와 함께, budgerigars에 waxberry의 채색의 강도가 다를 수 있습니다. 따라서 젊은 사람들에게는 남성이 가볍게 약간 푸른 빛깔의 계피를 먹을 수 있기 때문에 성을 결정하기가 더 어렵습니다. 여성에서는 아직 풍부한 색을 얻지 못했습니다. 가장 강하게 칠해진 새들은 완전히 성숙되어 번식 할 Հարցը, թե ինչպես կարելի է առանձնացնել տաբատ-տղան մի աղջկա կողմից, կարող է լինել բարդ խնդիր, քանի որ շատ ...
Հարցը, թե ինչպես կարելի է առանձնացնել տաբատ-տղան մի աղջկա կողմից, կարող է լինել բարդ խնդիր, քանի որ շատ տեսակներ չունեն հստակ արտահայտված արտաքին նշաններ, որոնք նշում են մեկ կամ մի քանի գենդերներ, եւ եթե առկա են տարբեր փորձառու բժիշկների տարբերություններ, դժվար է բացահայտել: չկարողանալով համեմատել երկու սեռերի թռչունները: Բայց եկեք հաշվի առնենք, միեւնույն է, ինչ նշաններով կարելի է որոշել տնային տնտեսության ամենատարածված երկու տեսակների սերմնաժայթքում սեռը որոշելու համար: Ինչպես տարանջատել 如何将鹦鹉男孩与女孩区分开来的问题可能是一项艰巨的任务,因为许多物种没有明显明显标记一种或另一种性别的外部标志,如果有经验的育种者区分任何差异,则难以识别。不必比较两性的鸟类。 但让我们考虑所有相同的,通过什么迹象可以确定两种最受欢迎的家庭饲养的鹦鹉的性别。 如何区分男孩和波浪鹦鹉的女孩? 解决这个问题的最简单方法是波浪鹦鹉的主人,因为它是少数几种可以通过外部检查特征标志来确定地板的物种之一。 在这种情况下,如何区分雄性鹦鹉和雌性鹦鹉的问题的解决方案在于杨梅的颜色 - 在喙底部的特殊生长。 在青春期的男性,这个下颌...
如何将鹦鹉男孩与女孩区分开来的问题可能是一项艰巨的任务,因为许多物种没有明显明显标记一种或另一种性别的外部标志,如果有经验的育种者区分任何差异,则难以识别。不必比较两性的鸟类。 但让我们考虑所有相同的,通过什么迹象可以确定两种最受欢迎的家庭饲养的鹦鹉的性别。 如何区分男孩和波浪鹦鹉的女孩? 解决这个问题的最简单方法是波浪鹦鹉的主人,因为它是少数几种可以通过外部检查特征标志来确定地板的物种之一。 在这种情况下,如何区分雄性鹦鹉和雌性鹦鹉的问题的解决方案在于杨梅的颜色 - 在喙底部的特殊生长。 在青春期的男性,这个下颌有一个明亮的蓝色。 有时,在一些虎皮鹦鹉(lyutino,白化病,leuwing,黑眼网,蒸汽,隐性杂色)中,颜色可以变为深粉红色和蓝色斑点。 在女性中, 波浪鹦鹉 墓地通常是灰褐色或明亮的棕色。 随着年龄的增长,虎皮鹦鹉中杨梅的着色强度可能会有所不同。 ... from-males-budgerigar/"> ওয়েভী তোতাপাখি কবরস্থান সাধারণত ধূসর বা উজ্জ্বল বাদামী ধূসর। বয়স...
... from-males-budgerigar/"> ওয়েভী তোতাপাখি কবরস্থান সাধারণত ধূসর বা উজ্জ্বল বাদামী ধূসর। বয়সের সাথে, বুদগারিগারগুলিতে মোমবাতি রঙের তীব্রতা পরিবর্তিত হতে পারে। সুতরাং, অল্প বয়স্ক ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে লিঙ্গ নির্ধারণ করা আরও কঠিন, কারণ পুরুষের হালকা, সামান্য নীল দারুচিনি হতে পারে; মহিলাগুলিতে এটি এখনও ধনী রঙ অর্জন করেনি। সবচেয়ে চিত্তাকর্ষক আঁকা পাখি যে পুরোপুরি পরিপক্ব এবং প্রজনন জন্য প্রস্তুত মধ্যে Mandibles হয়। সময়ের সাথে সাথে, ফসল ফলক আবার। প্রেমের পাখি একটি ... the-age-of-the-redbellied-tortoise-by-external-signs-life-expectancy-of-turtles/"> εξωτερικό σήμα η...
... the-age-of-the-redbellied-tortoise-by-external-signs-life-expectancy-of-turtles/"> εξωτερικό σήμα η διαφορά του πεδίου είναι το σχήμα της κεφαλής: εάν κοιτάξετε την πλευρά, τότε είναι πιο επιμηκυμένο στο αρσενικό, το μέτωπο είναι ελαφρώς χαμηλότερο. το θηλυκό έχει μια πιο στρογγυλή κεφαλή. Ένα άλλο ... ad about the symptoms that signal the presence of a virus on your computer . How a computer, antivirus...
... ad about the symptoms that signal the presence of a virus on your computer . How a computer, antivirus program or browser reacts to viruses. Malicious programs or viruses Often in life there are situations when table etiquette leads us to a dead end. Many of us say that...
Often in life there are situations when table etiquette leads us to a dead end. Many of us say that table etiquette is necessary only for those who attend high-society lunches and dinners, but this is not so. Never met with the situation that the waiter takes your plate then, as you have not finished and planned to continue the dish? Or would you like to start another dish, but the dirty empty plate is still not carried away? See Pitanje kako razlikovati papiga-dječaka od djevojčice može biti težak zadatak, budući da mnoge vrst...
Pitanje kako razlikovati papiga-dječaka od djevojčice može biti težak zadatak, budući da mnoge vrste nemaju jasno izražene vanjske znakove koji označavaju jedan ili drugi spol, a ako postoje razlike koje iskusni uzgajivači razlikuju, teško ih je identificirati. ne moraju usporediti ptice oba spola. No, razmotrimo svejedno, kojim znakovima je moguće odrediti spol u papagajima dviju najpopularnijih vrsta za kućno čuvanje. Kako razlikovati dječaka od djevojke u valovitim papigama? ... from-males-budgerigar/"> вълнообразен папагал гробище обикновено сиво-кафяво или светло кафяво. С ...
... from-males-budgerigar/"> вълнообразен папагал гробище обикновено сиво-кафяво или светло кафяво. С възрастта интензивността на оцветяването на waxberry в пъпките риби може да варира. Така че, при младите индивиди, пола е по-трудно да се определи, тъй като мъжете могат да имат лека, леко синкава канела, а при жените тя още не е придобила богат цвят. Най-силно боядисаните са мандибулите при птиците, които са напълно зрели и готови за размножаване. С течение на времето реколтата ... the-age-of-the-redbellied-tortoise-by-external-signs-life-expectancy-of-turtles/"> extern teken...
... the-age-of-the-redbellied-tortoise-by-external-signs-life-expectancy-of-turtles/"> extern teken het verschil van het veld is de vorm van het hoofd: als je naar de zijkant kijkt, dan is het langer in het mannetje, het voorhoofd is iets lager; het vrouwtje heeft een meer ronde kop. ... as eristada papagoi poiss tüdrukust, võib olla keeruline ülesanne, kuna paljudel liikidel ei ole se...
... as eristada papagoi poiss tüdrukust, võib olla keeruline ülesanne, kuna paljudel liikidel ei ole selgelt väljendatud väliseid märke, mis tähistavad ühte või teist sugu, ja kui kogenud kasvatajad eristavad neid, on neid raske tuvastada. ei pea mõlema soo linde võrdlema. Kuid vaatleme kõiki samu, milliste märkidega on võimalik koduse hoidmise kahe kõige populaarsema liigi papagoidides sugu kindlaks teha. Kuidas eristada poiss lainelise papagoi tüdrukust? Lihtsaim viis selle probleemi How to distinguish a boy from a girl in wavy parrots?
How to distinguish a boy from a girl in lovebirds parrots?
How to distinguish a boy from a girl in wavy parrots?
How to distinguish a boy from a girl in lovebirds parrots?
How to distinguish from girls?
Talk or not?
А будет ли птица говорить?
Never met with the situation that the waiter takes your plate then, as you have not finished and planned to continue the dish?
Or would you like to start another dish, but the dirty empty plate is still not carried away?
Kako razlikovati dječaka od djevojke u valovitim papigama?