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Скрипт голосования с защитой от накруток на PHP + AJAX

Опубликовано: 05.09.2018

Этот скрипт может быть использован для отображения опроса, собора голосов от пользователей и показа результатов голосования с использованием AJAX, не перезагружая страницу в браузере.

Скрипт генерирует необходимый HTML и JavaScript код для показа опроса на веб-странице и отправки ответа пользователя на сервер с помощью AJAX технологии.

Скрипт может также отображать результаты опроса в виде графических полос, которые показывают процентную долю каждого из ответов опроса.

Скрипт позволяет избежать подсчета голосов от одного пользователя на основе IP-адреса пользователя и переменной сессии. Он также использует текстовые файлы на сервере для хранения и обновления результатов опроса.

Лицензия GPL.

Системные требования скрипта:

PHP не младше 5.0 версии.

Исходник скрипта

error_reporting(E_ALL); class WebExpPoll { // poll question public $q; // Ajax callback (itґs the name of Ajax function) public $f = 'Vote'; // quiz options public $opt; // quiz name on radios and ajax div name public $quiz = 'vote'; // page to output poll results public $output = 'results.php'; //images location folder public $imgRoot = 'images/'; // js location folder public $jsLocation = ''; // js file public $jsFile = 'poll.js'; // file where votes are saved public $poll_db = 'pool_results.txt'; // graph images background public $graph_bg = 1; // 1 - to random bg 0 - to static bg // the image graph height public $graph_height = '5'; // message if user cast poll twice public $voteRep = " You already cast this poll !"; // message result public $msgRes = "<h2>Poll results:</h2>"; //allow to show table again public $showT = 'Show poll'; // the bg color to options table public $TableOptColor = '#ccc'; // style fonts at options table public $TableOptStyle = 'mycssClass'; public function __construct($quest ='' , $options = array()) { $this->q = $quest; $this->opt = $options; WebExpPoll::mountQuiz(); WebExpPoll::AjaxBuilder(); WebExpPoll::buildPoolResults(); } protected function setQuestion() { return $this->q; } protected function mountQuiz() { $this->form = '<div id="'.$this->quiz.'">'; $this->form .= ''.$this->setQuestion().''; $this->form .= '<form>'; $this->form .= '<table bgcolor=\"'.$this->TableOptColor.'\" border="1">'; (isset($this->TableOptStyle)) ? ($style = 'class=\"'.$this->TableOptStyle.'\"'): ($style = ''); foreach($this->opt as $key => $idx){ $this->form .= '<tr>'; $this->form .= '<td '.$style.'>'; $this->form .= $idx; $this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '<td>'; $this->form .= '<input type="radio" name="'.$this->quiz.'" value="'.$key.'" onclick="'.$this->f.'(this.value)">'; $this->form .= '</td>'; $this->form .= '</tr>'; } $this->form .= '</table>'; $this->form .= '</form>'; $this->form .= '</div>'; print $this->form; } private function AjaxBuilder() { $Ajax = 'var xmlHttp function Vote(int) { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject() if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url="'.$this->output.'" url=url+"?vote="+int url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlHttp.send(null) } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById("'.$this->quiz.'"). innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var objXMLHttp=null if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { objXMLHttp=new XMLHttpRequest() } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { objXMLHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } return objXMLHttp }'; $Filepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->jsLocation.$this->jsFile; if(!file_exists($Filepath)){ $fp = fopen($Filepath,"w"); fputs($fp,$Ajax); fclose($fp); } } private function buildPoolResults(){ $numOpt = sizeof($this->opt); $php = '<?php'."\n\n"; $php .= '$ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];'."\n"; $php .= '// processes the votation result'."\n"; $php .= '$vote = $_REQUEST["vote"];'."\n"; $php .= 'if(isset($vote)){'."\n"; /*$php .= 'if(!headers_sent()){'."\n"; //$php .= 'session_start();'."\n".'}'."\n"; */ $php .= 'session_start();'."\n"; $php .= 'if ( session_is_registered("vote")) {'."\n"; $php .= "echo \"<img src='".$this->imgRoot."halt.png'> ".$this->voteRep." \";"."\n"; $php .= '}else{'."\n"; $php .= 'session_register("vote"); '."\n"; $php .= 'for($i=0;$i<'.$numOpt.';$i++){'."\n"; $php .= '$d1 .="0,";'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n"; $php .= '$d1 = substr($d1,0,strlen($d1)-1);'."\n"; $php .= '$filename = "'.$this->poll_db.'";'."\n"; $php .= 'if(!is_file($filename)){'."\n"; $php .= '$fp = fopen($filename,"w");'."\n"; $php .= 'fwrite($fp,$d1);'."\n"; $php .= 'fclose($fp);'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n"; $php .= '$content = file($filename);'."\n"; $php .= '//put content in array'."\n"; $php .= '$array = explode(",", $content[0]);'."\n"; $php .= 'foreach($array as $i => $x){'."\n"; $php .= 'if($vote==$i){'."\n"; $php .= '$array[$i] +=1;'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n"; $php .= '$rs .= $array[$i].",";'."\n"; $php .= 'if(ereg(",,",$rs)){'."\n"; $php .= 'break;'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n".'}'."\n"; $php .= '$fp2 = fopen($filename,"w");'."\n"; $php .= 'fwrite($fp2,$rs);'."\n"; $php .= 'fclose($fp2);'."\n"; $php .= '?>'."\n"; $php .= ''.$this->msgRes.''."\n"; $php .= '<?php'."\n"; $php .= 'function max_key($array) {'."\n"; $php .= 'foreach ($array as $key => $val) {'."\n"; $php .= 'if ($val == max($array)) return $key;'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n".'}'."\n"; $php .= '$max = max_key($array);'."\n"; $php .= '$table = "<table bgcolor=\"#000000\">";'."\n"; $php .= '$quiz = array("'; $php .= ''.implode("\",\"",$this->opt).'");'."\n"; $php .= '$nt = sizeof($quiz);'."\n"; $php .= 'foreach($quiz as $n => $itens ){'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "<tr>";'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "<td style=\"color:#ffffff\">".$itens."</td>";'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "<td style=\"color:#ffffff\">";'."\n"; if($this->graph_bg){ $php .= '//Dynamic bg'."\n"; $php .= '$bg = array("'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_black.gif",'."\n"; $php .= '"'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_red.gif",'."\n"; $php .= '"'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_purple.gif",'."\n"; $php .= '"'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_green.gif",'."\n"; $php .= '"'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_orange.gif",'."\n"; $php .= '"'.$this->imgRoot.'poll.gif");'."\n"; $php .= ''."\n"; $php .= '$table .="<img src=\"".$bg[array_rand($bg)]."\" width=\"".(100*round($array[$n]/($array[$n]+$array[$max]),2))."\" height=\"'.$this->graph_height.'\">";'."\n"; } else { $php .= '//Static bg'."\n"; $php .= '($n ==0 ? $img = "'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_black.gif" : ($n==1 '."\n"; $php .= '? $img = "'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_red.gif" : ($n==2'."\n"; $php .= '? $img = "'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_purple.gif" : ($n==3'."\n"; $php .= '? $img = "'.$this->imgRoot.'poll_green.gif" : ($img = "'.$this->imgRoot.'poll.gif" )))));'."\n"; $php .= ''."\n"; $php .= '$table .="<img src=\"".$img."\" width=\"".(100*round($array[$n]/($array[$n]+$array[$max]),2))."\" height=\"'.$this->graph_height.'\">";'."\n"; } $php .= '$table .= (100*round($array[$n]/($array[$n]+$array[$max]),2));'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "%";'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "</td>";'."\n"; $php .= '$table .= "</tr>";'."\n"; $php .='}'."\n"; $php .='}'."\n"; $php .= '$table .="</table>";'."\n"; $php .='echo $table;'."\n"; $php .= '$_SESSION["vote"] = $ip;'."\n"; $php .= '}'."\n"; $php .= 'echo "<br><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"window.location.reload();\">'.$this->showT.'</a>";'."\n"; $php .='?>'."\n"; $fp = fopen($this->output,"w"); fputs($fp,$php); fclose($fp); } } // end of class

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Хосе Феррейра Франко


