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AJAX календарь на JavaScript + PHP

Опубликовано: 05.09.2018

видео AJAX календарь на JavaScript + PHP

jQuery Tutorial - 154 - Datepicker

Этот скрипт может быть использован для отображения календаря с использованием AJAX.

Данный AJAX календарь может генерировать HTML и JavaScript для отображения месяцев и дней с ссылками, кликая по которым информация в календаре будет изменяться без перезагрузки страницы.

Дни в календаре могут иметь ссылки на событие этого дня. Просматриваемые даты могут быть ограничены заданным значением. Месяцы и названия дней недели можно настроить. Графическое оформление календаря может быть изменено с помощью CSS. Скрипт использует JavaScript библиотеку jQuery.

Лицензия GPL.

Input date and time in HTML& Javascript - DateTimePicker jQuery

Системные требования скрипта:

PHP не младше 5.0 версии.

Исходник скрипта

/* This class can generate full month calendar for specified date, then user can browse calendar by switching months and years without page refresh There is a jquery javascript file included for ajax requests and CSS file, to customize look of calendar Here is an example of this calendar inteface http://code-snippets.co.cc/AJAX/Generate-calendar-using-PHP-and-browse-it-using-AJAX Aditionally you can set start and end dates, which will be the oldest and newest displayable months You can also specify an url pattern for all active days, or provide and array with only specific days which should be clickable links with your specified urls For more information try out example files included in package: simple_example.php - the simpliest way to get it to work with all default options custom_example.php - example with all possible customization options and url_pattern usage for all days calendar_generation_part.php - example where calendar and ajax request files are apart, this is calendar part ajax_request_part.php - example where calendar and ajax request files are apart, this is ajax part */ class calendar { //default month names private $months = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); //default names of days of week private $weekdays = array("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"); //order of days of the week in calendar private $day_order = array("Mon" => 0, "Tue" => 1, "Wed" => 2, "Thu" => 3, "Fri" => 4, "Sat" => 5, "Sun" => 6); //which day to start week with private $start_week = 0; //error storage private $errors = array(); //url pattern for events private $url_pattern = ""; //array with date of day as key url as value //used if url_pattern is not specified private $events = array(); //path to file where to send ajax request //if none specified, same file will be used where calculator is generated private $request = ""; //request parameters to send with ajax request (pairs where key is name and value is value) private $request_params = array(); //oldest month/year to display calendar private $start_date = ""; //newest month/year to display calendar private $end_date = ""; //calendar count private $cal_count = 0; //get array with errors public function get_errors(){ return $this->errors; } //provide an array with 12 elements for month names starting from first month public function set_months($arr){ if(sizeof($arr) == 12) { $this->months = $arr; } else { $this->errors[] = "Incorrect amount of months"; } } //provide an array with 7 elements for names of the days of the week starting from Monday public function set_weekdays($arr){ if(sizeof($arr) == 7) { $this->weekdays = $arr; } else { $this->errors[] = "Incorrect amount of weekdays"; } } //set with which day should the week start values from 0 - Monday, to 6 - Sunday public function set_week_start($day){ if(in_array($day, $this->day_order)) { $arr = $this->weekdays; foreach($this->weekdays as $key => $value) { if($day != $key) { $elm = array_shift($arr); array_push($arr, $elm); } else { break; } } $this->weekdays = $arr; $this->start_week = $day; } else { $this->errors[] = "Incorrect day of the week"; } } //set an path where to send ajax request to update calendar public function set_request_path($req){ $this->request = $req; } //add request parameters public function add_request_param($name, $value){ if(!in_array($name, array("date", "month", "year", "start", "ajax_calendar"))) { $this->request_params[$name] = $value; } else { $this->errors[] = "Can not override main class parameters"; } } //sets the url pttern where $1 will be replaced with date, $2 with month and $3 with year public function set_url_pattern($pattern){ $this->url_pattern = $pattern; } //set event on specific dates using array, where key is number of day in month and value url where to go, when clicking on this day //it will be used only if url_pattern is not specified public function set_events($events){ $this->events = $events; } //generate calendar public function generate_calendar($day = "", $month = "", $year = ""){ $this->cal_count++; $this->calendar_headers(); $now = time(); if(trim($day) == "") { $day = date("j", $now); } if(trim($month) == "") { $month= date("n", $now); } if(trim($year) == "") { $year = date("Y", $now); } echo "<script type='text/javascript'> make_calendar".($this->cal_count)."(".$day.", ".$month.", ".$year."); </script>"; } //set the oldest month/year in calendar public function set_start_date($month = "", $year = ""){ $this->start_date = $year."-".$month; } //set the newest month/year in calendar public function set_end_date($month = "", $year = ""){ $this->end_date = $year."-".$month; } //generating calendar using javascript from data received from request private function calendar_headers(){ if(trim($this->request) == "") { $this->request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } echo "<div id='ajax_calendar".($this->cal_count)."'></div>"; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> function make_calendar'.($this->cal_count).'(date, month, year) { jQuery.getJSON("'.($this->request).'",{date: date, month: month, year: year, ajax_calendar: "true", start: '.($this->start_week); if(!empty($this->request_params)) { foreach($this->request_params as $key => $val); { echo ','.$key.':"'.$val.'"'; } } echo '}, function(j) { var months = new Array(""'; $state = true; foreach($this->months as $val) { echo ',"'.$val.'"'; } echo'); if(month - 1 < 1) { var prev = 12; var pyear = year - 1; } else { var prev = month - 1; var pyear = year; } if(month + 1 > 12) { var next = 1; var nyear = year + 1; } else { var next = month + 1; var nyear = year; } var table = "<table class=\'ajax_calendar_header\'>"; if(j.prev_year == "true") { table += "<tr><td class=\'ajax_calendar_prev_year_active\'><a href=\'javascript:void(0);\' onclick=\'make_calendar'.($this->cal_count).'(" + date + ", " + month + "," + parseInt(year-1) + ")\'><<</a></td>"; } else { table += "<tr><td class=\'ajax_calendar_prev_year_inactive\'><<</td>"; } if(j.prev_month == "true") { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_prev_month_active\'><a href=\'javascript:void(0);\' onclick=\'make_calendar'.($this->cal_count).'(" + date + ", " + prev + "," + pyear + ")\'><</a></td>"; } else { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_prev_month_inactive\'><</td>"; } table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_main_date\'>" + months[month] + " " + year + "</td>"; if(j.next_month == "true") { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_next_year_active\'><a href=\'javascript:void(0);\' onclick=\'make_calendar'.($this->cal_count).'(" + date + ", " + next + "," + nyear + ")\'>></a></td>"; } else { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_next_year_inactive\'>></td>"; } if(j.next_year == "true") { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_next_month_active\'><a href=\'javascript:void(0);\' onclick=\'make_calendar'.($this->cal_count).'(" + date + ", " + month + "," + parseInt(year+1) + ")\'>>></a></td></tr>"; } else { table += "<td class=\'ajax_calendar_next_month_inactive\'>>></td></tr>"; } table += "</table><table class=\'ajax_calendar\'>"; table += "<tr class=\'ajax_calendar_weekdays\'>'; foreach($this->weekdays as $val) { echo "<td>".$val."</td>"; } echo '</tr>"; for (var i = 0; i < j.table.length; i++) { table += "<tr>"; for (var k = 0; k < j.table[i].tr.length; k++) { table += "<td "; table += "class=\'ajax_calendar_" + j.table[i].tr[k].type + "_days\'>"; if(j.table[i].tr[k].type != "inactive" && j.table[i].tr[k].url != "") { table += \'<a href="\' + j.table[i].tr[k].url + \'">\'; } table += j.table[i].tr[k].date; if(j.table[i].tr[k].type != "inactive" && j.table[i].tr[k].url != "") { table += "</a>"; } table += "</td>"; } table += "</tr>"; } table += "</table>";'; echo "document.getElementById('ajax_calendar".($this->cal_count)."').innerHTML = table;"; echo '}) } </script>'; } //process and respond to ajax request with json structure of selected date public function process_request(){ if(isset($_GET['date']) && isset($_GET['month']) && isset($_GET['year']) && isset($_GET['start'])) { $first_day = mktime(0,0,0, $_GET['month'], 1, $_GET['year']); if($_GET['month']-1 == 0) { $prev = 12; $year = $_GET['year'] - 1; } else { $prev = $_GET['month']-1; $year = $_GET['year']; } $prev_month = cal_days_in_month(0, $prev, $year); $day_of_week = date("D", $first_day); if($_GET['start'] != 0) { $arr = array_flip($this->day_order); $start_key = array_search($_GET['start'], $this->day_order); foreach($this->day_order as $key => $value) { if($start_key != $key) { $elm = array_shift($arr); array_push($arr, $elm); } else { break; } } $this->day_order = array_flip($arr); } $blank = $this->day_order[$day_of_week]; $days_in_month = cal_days_in_month(0, $_GET['month'], $_GET['year']); $day_count = 1; $str = '{'; if(trim($this->start_date) != "") { $dates = explode("-", $this->start_date); if($_GET['year'] == $dates[0] && $_GET['month'] == $dates[1]) { $str .= '"prev_year":"false", '; $str .= '"prev_month":"false", '; } else if($_GET['year'] == $dates[0]) { $str .= '"prev_year":"false", '; $str .= '"prev_month":"true", '; } else { $str .= '"prev_year":"true", '; $str .= '"prev_month":"true", '; } } else { $str .= '"prev_year":"true", '; $str .= '"prev_month":"true", '; } if(trim($this->end_date) != "") { $dates = explode("-", $this->end_date); if($_GET['year'] == $dates[0] && $_GET['month'] == $dates[1]) { $str .= '"next_year":"false", '; $str .= '"next_month":"false", '; } else if($_GET['year'] == $dates[0]) { $str .= '"next_year":"false", '; $str .= '"next_month":"true", '; } else { $str .= '"next_year":"true", '; $str .= '"next_month":"true", '; } } else { $str .= '"next_year":"true", '; $str .= '"next_month":"true", '; } $str .= '"table":[{"tr":['; $prev_month -= $blank; while($blank > 0) { $str .= '{"date":'.(++$prev_month).', "type":"inactive"},'; $blank--; $day_count++; } $day_num = 1; while($day_num <= $days_in_month) { $url = ""; if(trim($this->url_pattern) != "") { $url = str_replace("$3", $_GET['year'], str_replace("$2", $_GET['month'], str_replace("$1", $day_num, $this->url_pattern))); } else if(array_key_exists($day_num, $this->events)) { $url = $this->events[$day_num]; } if($day_num == $_GET['date']) { $str .= '{"date":'.$day_num.', "type":"today", "url":"'.$url.'"},'; } else { $str .= '{"date":'.$day_num.', "type":"active", "url":"'.$url.'"},'; } $day_num++; $day_count++; if($day_count > 7) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1).']}'; if($day_num <= $days_in_month) { $str .= ',{"tr":['; } $day_count = 1; } } $cnt = 1; while($day_count > 1 && $day_count <=7) { $str .= '{"date":'.($cnt++).', "type":"inactive"},'; $day_count++; } if($cnt == 1) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1)."}]}"; } else { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1)."]}]}"; } echo $str; } } }

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